Kamis, 03 Februari 2022


For the second time VECONAC held a virtual session during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The first virtual session was held on October 15, 2020 with Vietnam as the host. Considering that in 2020 Covid 19 has not shown a decline, it was agreed that Vietnam will remain as President of VECONAC until 2021. This year's session is still virtual and is attended by delegates from Veterans of ASEAN member countries (VECONAC).

The Indonesian delegation was led by Deputy Major General of the TNI (Ret.) Bantu Hardjijo with members of Major General TNI (Ret.) Abdul Ghani, Marsma TNI (Ret.) Priyadi Rahardjo and Mr. Abdul Mun'im. This session has two activities, namely the 33rd EBM Session from 08.30 to 11.15 and the 20th GA Session from 13.30 to 17.15.
The second session of the 20th GA began at exactly 13.30 led by the Head of Delegation, Mr. Deputy Major General TNI (Ret.) Bantu Hardjijo. Before the 20th GA Session began, the Head of the LVRI DPP, Mr. Maj. Gen. TNI, Retired Syaiful Sulun, was pleased to sign the Joint Communique that had been agreed at the 33rd EBM Session.
In the 20th GA session, the LVRI delegation was led directly by the Deputy of LVRI's DPP where the main agenda was ratifying the change in VECONAC's leadership chair. There was something interesting about the 20th GA Session, where before the trial there was a moment of silence to remember and honor the late Lieutenant General TNI, Retired Rais Abin

Prior to the presentation of the leadership of the VECONAC President, the accountability report of the former VECONAC President from Vietnam, including the financial statements, was started. The 20th GA Session went smoothly with a farewell speech by the President of VECONAC Vietnam and ended with a speech by the new VECONAC President from Thailand. One of the court's interesting decisions was the approval that December 19 was VECONAC's Birthday. VECONAC FOREVER (Vice Marshal Ret Tumiyo, SE) 

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